स्याउँस्याउँ किरा भेटिए राजधानीका वधशालामा

२४ असार, काठमाडौं । स्याउँस्याउँ किरा । सहनै नसकिने दुर्गन्ध । फोहोरको डंगुर । जताततै झिँगा भन्किरहेका । देख्दै वाक्क लाग्ने यो ठाउँ कुनै युद्धभूमि होइन । यो दृश्य हो काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा रहेका वधशाला अर्थात् राँगा-भैंसी काट्ने ठाउँ । जहाँ काटेको मासु हामीले खाँदै आएका छौं ।

काठमाडौंमा सञ्चालित बधशालाहरुको अनुगमन गर्न गएको आपूर्ति मन्त्री गणेशमान पुनको टोली शुक्रबार बिहान सतुंगलस्थित ‘मोज मिट सेन्टर’ को बधशाला पुग्दा देखिएको दृश्य हो यो ।

मन्त्रीको टोली अनुगमनका लागि पहिले मोज मिट सेन्टरको बिक्री स्थलमा गयो । त्यहाँ सामान्य अवलोकन गरेपछि अनुगमन टोलीले आफूहरुले बधशाला हेर्ने बतायो । मिट सेन्टरका सञ्चालकले अनुगमन टोलीलाई बधशालासम्म जाने घुमाउरो बाटो देखाए ।

बिक्री केन्द्रदेखि बधशाला ६/७ मिनेटको दूरीमा रहेछ । अनुगमन टोली बधशालासम्म पुग्दा मिट सेन्टरका कर्मचारीहरुले हतार हतार मोटरसाइकलमा गएर बधशालामा पानी हाल्दै सफा गरिसकेको प्रष्टै देखिन्थ्यो ।

जब मन्त्रीको टोली बधशालाभित्र प्रवेश गर्‍यो, तब त्यहाँको दुर्गन्धले सबैको सातो लियो ।

बधशालाको दुर्गन्ध सहन नसकेर अनुगमन टोलीमा गएका एक प्रहरीले तत्कालै वान्ता गरिहाले । अनुगमन टोलीमा गएका धेरै सदस्यहरु भित्र बस्नै नसकेर बाहिर निस्किए । मन्त्रीसहितको सानो टोलीले एकछिन भित्र बसेर अवलोकन गर्‍यो ।

अवलोकनपछि मन्त्री पुनले हदैसम्मको लापरबाही भएको बताए । उनले तत्कालै वधशाला शील गरेर कडाभन्दा कडा कारवाही गर्न सम्बन्धित अधिकारीहरुलाई निर्देशन दिए ।

वधशाला ऐन २०५५ र खाद्य सुरक्षा नियमावली ०५७ अनुसार सो सो वधशाला सञ्चालन नभएको अनुगमन टोलीले बताएको छ । ‘यो वधशालाले सरसफाइमा शतप्रतिशत हेलचेक्र्याइँ गरेको पाइयो,’ भेटेरिनरी जाँच जनस्वास्थ्य कार्यालय, त्रिपुरेश्वरका पशुचिकित्सक डा. नारायण घिमिरेले भने ।

अनुगमन टोलीले वधशाला सञ्चालकलाई वधशालाभित्र थुपारिएको राँगाँभैसीको छालाको डंगुर खाडल खनेर गाड्न र पूर्णरुपमा सरसफाइ गर्न निर्देशन दिएको छ ।

नजिकैको प्रहरी चौकीमा लगेर वधशाला सञ्चालक शेख मोहम्मदलाई सो कार्य पूरा गर्ने लिखित कबुलियतनामा गराइएको छ । वधशाला सफा भइसकेपछि शील गर्ने अनुगमन टोलीका अधिकारीहरुले बताएका छन् ।

मानव वस्तीकै बीचमा रहेको वधशालाबाट बाहिरसम्मै दुर्गन्ध फैलिरहेको थियो । वधशाला नजिकै चिया पसल सञ्चालन गर्दै आएका एक स्थानीयले अनलाइनखबरसँग भने- ‘पानी परेका बेला त खपिनसक्नु गरी गन्हाउँछ नि हजुर, कसले हटाउने र यो वधशालालाई ? उसँग पर्याप्त पैसा छ ।’

‘ह्युमन’ वधशालाको यस्तो हालत

सतुंगलबाट अनुगमन टोली सीधै टेकुस्थित विष्णुमती किनारमा रहेको ‘हृयुमन सामुदायिक पशु वधशाला’ पनि अनुगमन गर्‍यो । सो वधशालामा बाहिरै देखिएको फोहोरले अनुगमन टोलीका सदस्यहरु भित्र प्रवेश गर्न आनाकानी गरे ।

त्यो वधशालामा पनि सतुंगलकै जस्तो दृश्य देखियो । त्यहाँ पनि अनुगमन टोलीले सरसफाइ गर्न निर्देशन दियो ।

त्यसपछि मन्त्रीको टोली कालीमाटीमा रहेको माछाको स्टोरेज हेर्न गयो । भैँसी र राँखा काट्ने बधशालाको तुलनामा त्यहाँ केही सफा देखिन्थ्यो । तर, कालीमाटीका व्यवसायीले सञ्चालन गरेको माछा स्टोरले पनि सरकारी मापदण्ड भने पूरा गरेको देखिएन । ग्राहकले मागेपछि मात्रै चिसोमा राखिएको माछा निकाल्नुपर्नेमा त्यहाँका व्यवसायीहरुले खुद्रा बिक्रेताले जस्तै गरी माछा स्टोर गरेको पाइयो । अनुगमन टोलीले माछा व्यवसायी संघका प्रतिनिधिलाई बोलाएर तत्कालै सरसफाइमा ध्यान दिन निर्देशन दिए ।

त्यहाँका केही माछा पसलमा भएका ढक तराजु नापतौल विभागमा दर्ता पनि भएका रहेनछन् ।

‘अर्को पटक अनुगमनमा आउँदा यस्तै दृश्य देखियो भने माछा नै जफत गरेर लान्छौं र कानून अनुसार जेल सजायँ पनि गर्छौ,’ अनुगमन टोलीका सदस्यले व्यवसायीलाई भने ।

अनुगमन टोलीको भागमा झिँगा

अनुगमन सकेर टोलीले बबरमहलस्थित एक थकाली भान्सा घरमा आएर खाना खायो । खाना खाने क्रममा टोलीका एक सदस्य अर्जुन पोखरेलको थालमा बधशालाको झैं किरा भेटियो ।

किरा भेटिएपछि टोलीका केही सदस्यहरु खाँदै गरेको खाना छोडेर उठे । यसले, राजधानीका नाम चलेका रेस्टुरेन्टहरु सरसफाइ र जनस्वास्थ्यमा कति संवेदनशील छन् भन्ने भनेर प्रष्ट्याउँथ्यो । साथै यो किराले छेउमै रहेको काठमाडौं जिल्ला प्रशासन र वाणिज्य विभागलाई गिज्याइरहेको थियो ।

मम खाने कि नखाने ?

काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा सबैभन्दा बढी बिक्री हुने खाजा हो- मम । मममा पनि सबैभन्दा बढी बिक्री हुन्छ, बफ मम । ममप्रति ग्राहकको अत्यधिक आकर्षण भएकाले नै हो- मम नपाउने होटल तथा रेस्टुराँहरु कमै होलान् राजधानीमा ।

यतिधेरै पसल हुँदा पनि कतिपय मम पसलमा ग्राहकले मम खानका लागि आधाघन्टा भन्दा बढी लाइन बस्नुपर्छ ।

शुक्रबार अनुगमन टोलीले बधशाला अनुगमन गरेका दृश्य हेरेपछि अब मम खाने कि नखाने ? भन्ने प्रश्न जोकोहीको मनमा सहजै उठ्न सक्छ । स्याउ स्याउ किरा परेको भिडियो हेर्न तल फोटोमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

काठमाडौँ, ९ असार । गुन्डागर्दीमा संलग्न भएको आरोपमा पक्राउ गर्न जाँदा प्रहरीमाथि नै जाई लागेपछि प्रहरीले एक युवकमाथि बिजुलीबजारमा गोली प्रहार गरेको छ ।

महानगरीय अपराध महाशाखाका प्रमुख प्रहरी उपरीक्षक सर्वेन्द्र खनालले गुन्डागर्दीमा संलग्न जसवन्त राईलाई पक्राउ गर्न प्रयास गर्दा उल्टै प्रहरीमाथि आक्रमण गरेर भाग्न खोजेपछि गोली प्रहार गरिएको जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

उनको घुँडा र तिघ्रामा दुई गोली लागेको छ । घाइते राईलाई वीर अस्पतालमा उपचारका लागि भर्ना गरिएको छ ।

प्रहरीसँगको झडपमा उनका अन्य चार-पाँच जना सहयोगी मोटरसाइकल चढी भाग्न सफल भएको खनालले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

राईमाथि ज्यान मार्ने उद्योगलगायत चार-पाँच वटा सार्वजनिक अपराधको मुद्दा रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।

उनी कालिमाटी, कलङ्कीदेखि बानेश्वर क्षेत्रमा गुन्डागर्दी गर्ने र फिरौती उठाउने कार्यमा संलग्न रहेको बताइएको छ । उनी बाफलमा बस्दै आएका थिए ।

एसएसपी खनालले जसवन्तका सहायक गुण्डालाई आजै साँझसम्म पक्राउ गरी हिरासतमा लिइने ठोकुवा गर्नुभयो । रासस

काठमाडौं, ९ असार । सरकारले थप दुई भारतीयको नेपाली नागरिकता खारेज गरेको छ ।

प्रधानमन्त्री केपी ओलीको अध्यक्षतामा बालुवाटारमा विहीबार साँझ बसेको मन्त्रिपरिषद बैठकले भारतीय नागरिक आशिष चटर्जीले बाँके र मोहन पाण्डेले पर्सा जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयबाट झुटो विवरण पेस गरी नेपाली नागरिकता लिएकामा ती नागरिकता ऐन बमोजिम रद्द गरी नेपाली नागरिकताबाट हटाउने निर्णय गरेको सरकारका प्रवक्ता एवं सञ्चारमन्त्री शेरधन राईले जानकारी दिए ।

उनका अनुसार सो नागरिकता प्रदान गर्ने अधिकारीलाई छानबिन गरी तत्काल कारबाही गर्ने निर्णय पनि भएको छ ।

यसअघि पनि वर्तमान सरकारले पाँच भारतीयको नेपाली नागरिकता खारेज गरेको थियो ।

Aashish has been declared as murderer of Manisha Gharti Magar

Since a month, investigation of Manisha Gharti Magar's case was on going process. Even after Polygraph test done with Aashish was not able to reveal the real truth. But as far as every people knew it as a case of m*rder, Nepal Police went on deep investigation.
According to post mortem report,case had been declared as s*icide but one evidence which made Aashish guilty was torn clothes of Manisha. If she hanged herself to death,how her inner clothes get torn? This was the main questio

भिडियो  लुकाएर राखिएको छ यहाँ  क्लिक गरि हेर्नुहोला 

n arised and case went on making decision with guilt of Aashish Chaudhary.

भिडियो हेर्न यहा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

नागरिक दैनिक को साप्ताहिक युटुब शो नागरिक शो मा सद्भावना पार्टीका  अधक्ष्य राजेन्द्र महतो संग टेक नारायण भट्टराई ले लिएको अन्तरबार्ता

Most Norwegian organizations have different respective concurrences with outside foundations of advanced education. These understandings are typically intended for the shared trade of understudies, specialists and educators. On the other hand, there are national projects that offer grants and different sorts of subsidizing for worldwide understudies wishing to think about in Norway. Certain limitations and requirements apply for every one of these projects. What's more, there are different stipends accessible offered by private and non-benefit associations. Norway is turning into a famous study destination among worldwide understudies. An expanding number of Norwegian colleges and college schools are putting forth Bachelor's and Mastersprograms in English. It is one of only a handful few remaining nations on the planet where educational cost expense is free for everybody including universal understudies. The Norwegian Government likewise offers grant projects to take care of living expenses in Norway. Educational cost Free Universities in Norway » Studyinnorway.no says: Norwegian state colleges and state college schools when in doubt don't charge educational cost expenses for universal understudies. On the other hand, understudies should pay a semester charge of NOK 300-600 ($50-100) every semester. This is material for all levels, including undergrad studies, Masters projects and Ph.D. programs. Note that some state colleges and college schools may have educational cost charges for a couple particular projects. Regularly these projects are at the Masters level.

युवा सभासद एवं व्यवस्थापिका संसदको विकास समिति सदस्य रबिन्द्र अधिकारीले धुर्मुस सुन्तलीलाई एक महिनाको पारीश्रमीक सहयोग गर्ने घोषणा गरेका छन् । सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा गिरान्चौर एकिकृत बस्ती निर्माणमा जुटेका उनीहरुले उत्कृष्ट काम गरेको भन्दै उनले यस्तो घोषणा गरेका हुन् । भूकम्प पिडित जनताको मुहारमा खुशि ल्याउने प्रयास स्वरुप भइरहेको काममा सहयोग गर्नु जनप्रतिनिधिको कर्तव्य रहेको उनको भनाई छ । राम्रो कामको कदर स्वरुप आफुले पाउने एक महिनाको पारीश्रमीक (करीब ५० हजार रुपैँया) छिट्टै नै धुर्मुस सुन्तलीलाई प्रदान गर्ने उनले प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका छन् । देश विदेशबाट सहयोगी हातहरु जुट्दै गर्दा जनताबाट चुनीएको प्रतिनिधि भएको नाताले चुप लागेर बस्न मन सकिएन र यो घोषणा गरेको उनले स्पष्ट गरेका छन् । सभासद् अधिकारीले कुरा भन्दा काम गरेर देखाउन कटिबद्ध हाँस्य कलाकार सिताराम कट्टेल (धुर्मुस) र कुञ्जना घिमिरे (सुन्तली) ले कलाकारको तागतलाई उपयोग गरेर उदाहरणीय काममा लागेको भन्दै उनीहरुको प्रशंसा समेत गरेका छन् । धुर्मुस सुन्तलीले गरीरहेको कामले पुनर्निर्माणको कामलाई पनि गति लिन बाध्य गराउने उनको भनाई छ ।

आउनुस हामी पनि यो जोडिलाइ सम्मान स्वरुप एक लाइक गरुम।
सेयर गर्न तलको बटन थिच्नुहोस

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening.

Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage.


People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli reached Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) for a surprise inspection on Tuesday.
According to TIA Acting Chief Bhola Guragain, PM Oli along with Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel, Tourism Minister Ananda Prasad Pokharel and State Minister for Tourism Bal Bahadur Mahat reached the international airport at 2:17 pm today.
The Prime Minister, during his inspection, observed the woks of staffs at the immigration and customs office among other government agencies. However, PM Oli did not inspect the domestic terminal and cargo building.
TIA Director General Sanjiv Gautam had reached the airport soon after the TIA administration informed him of PM’s unscheduled visit.
Prime Minister’s Press Advisor Chetan Adhikari informed that PM Oli visited the TIA after receiving numerous complaints regarding the degrading service at the international airport.

Oli has provided the Nepalese respect kanunirupama sending remittances through the government budget remittance citizens to buy real estate registration fee are 25 percent discount. However, when purchasing real estate through the remittance from the bank to reveal the certificate must be included.
Citizens on the basis of the same certificate in forming a government able to invest in other projects also has been arranged. The banking system more and more money (through formal) through the objective of bringing the government to encourage the provision of such.

Only about 60 percent of remittance to Nepal recently come to the banking system, various studies have shown. The remaining 40 per cent through other illegal arrivals have hundilagayata. Registration fee exemption policy to discourage the government it is brought.
Distribution of government money to be distributed to the public and welfare sector has been extended through the bank. All citizens will be encouraged to open a bank account for her also is mentioned in the budget. "The campaign will be conducted in all Nepali bank account," said the budget is, "for the nation to open a bank account with zero arrangement to meet public."

Article Via:-http://goo.gl/w6tJrT

New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the US Congress joint session was a big welcome . Standing about four minutes of the US Congress members clapped Narendra Modi welcomed. Pandit Nehru , Rajiv Gandhi , Narasimha Rao , Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh's speech in the US Congress that Modi 's sixth prime minister . Prime Minister's speech at the beginning strongly welcomed US lawmakers. Then as soon as he finished his speech by US lawmakers rush to take his autograph. PM About nine times during the 46-minute speech in honor of the people he was applauded 72 times while standing. He was given a standing ovation at least 9 times. Modi also took a dig at some places during his speech, which was nearly three times the US Congress within the laughter. After the speech, Modi called on those present. They were among the people and shook hands with him. PM's speech showed the race to take his autograph. Many in Congress for his autograph. Modi said people were going crazy for a glimpse.

A young lady was k!lled when lightning struck her in Katari Municipality-11 in Udayapur at the beginning of today. Nearby occupant Sangita Shrestha, 23, harmed in the occurrence, inhaled her keep going while in transit to Katari Hospital, pol!ce said. Shrestha was playing with her cell telephone at the entryway of her home when the occurrence happened, nearby individuals said. In like manner, Asmita BK, 13, of Katari Municipality-10 was harmed when lightning hit her early today. BK, a fifth grader at nearby school, experiencing treatment at Katari Hospital is said to be in genuine condition.A young lady was k!lled when lightning struck her in Katari Municipality-11 in Udayapur at the beginning of today. Nearby occupant Sangita Shrestha, 23, harmed in the occurrence, inhaled her keep going while in transit to Katari Hospital, pol!ce said. Shrestha was playing with her cell telephone at the entryway of her home when the occurrence happened, nearby individuals said. In like manner, Asmita BK, 13, of Katari Municipality-10 was harmed when lightning hit her early today. BK, a fifth grader at nearby school, experiencing treatment at Katari Hospital is said to be in genuine condition.

Body modifications involving the lips are quite a common sight these days. But when compared to lip plates, your punk cousin seems tame. Also known as lip plugs or lip discs, lip plates are quite well-known all over the world. The procedure involves piercing a hole, typically in the lower lip, and then fitting a small plate inside it. As the lip becomes more and more stretched out, the plate gets replaced with a larger one.

The school has created a dozen Nobel Laureates to its credit, as well as the twentieth century’s embodiment of science itself, Albert Einstein (who conjointly studied at Zurich’s alternative known establishment of upper learning, ETH).

The University of city runs one hundred sixty institutes and clinics, as well as Associate in Nursing particularly noteworthy research called Swiss people National Super pc Centre. The University of city has conjointly been recognized for its contribution to science through its inclusion within the League of European analysis Universities.

But city is over simply a search center; it's conjointly preoccupied the challenge of sharing its data with the overall public. the varsity runs twelve museums, perpetually rotates through speech series, and frequently produces publications for a general audience so as to share the maximum amount data with as several as potential.

The longest snake - ever (captivity) is Medusa, a reticulated python (python reticulatus), and is owned by Full Moon Productions Inc. in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. When measured on 12 October 2011, she was found to be 7.67 m (25 ft 2 in) long. Medusa also holds the current 'Longest Snake - Living (captivity)' title.

In Kansas City, Missouri, USA, those who look directly at Medusa may not do that – but they certainly come to a stone cold stop.

That’s because the Medusa you find at the city’s Full Moon Productions isn’t some mythological figure of yore. It’s the longest snake ever in captivity.

blog via:-http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/

Open Letter to Bimal Gharti Magar from KR Pokhre Dubai : Letter source from Everestonlinemedia.com
Police could not conduct polygraph test, also known as lie-detection test, on Manisha Gharti Magar’s boyfriend Rudra Narayan Chaudhari on Monday.Chaudhari was taken in police custody on Thursday after the 17-year-old girl, sister of Nepal national football team striker Bimal Gharti Magar, was found dead in a suspicious condition in her house.According to Inspector Prakash Sapkota, Chaudhari had to be taken to a local hospital today after he complained of headache. This delayed the polygraph test.A team of experts has come to Nawalparasi from Kathmandu to conduct the test on the suspect.The test will be most likely conducted tomorrow, Sapkota said.

Now THAT'S a seaplane! ‪#‎Turkey‬ sinks an Airbus A300 to create an artificial diving reef and help tourism take off

Turkish authorities have sunk an A300 Airbus off a resort on the Aegean Sea with the aim of boosting diving tourism in the region.

The giant plane was put to the bottom of the sea on Saturday afternoon near Kusadasi in Aydin province.

The aim of sinking the aircraft - which has a wingspan of 144 feet and a length of 177 feet - is to promote artificial reef diving, which is hugely popular with experienced divers.

Once sunk, the plane should become a magnet for underwater flora and fauna.

The 36-year-old aircraft had been bought by Aydin municipality from a private aviation firm for 270,000 Turkish lira, roughly around £65,000, the Dogan and Cihan news agencies reported. (via Mail Online)

The school is especially noteworthy for its robust association to peace studies. Between 1947 and 1989, it hosted the ceremony for the altruist Peace Prize and consequently is that the solely university to own hosted a laurels Ceremony.

Johan Galtung, the founding father of the tutorial field of peace and conflict studies, supported the world’s initial chair therein discipline here at Oslo; the famed human, humanitarian, and altruist Peace winner statesman educated here in addition.

We can't say what the news will be, however it has sent outsider seekers into an outright furor, in the conviction that NASA is going to uncover to all there is clear proof that they have found life at one of the earth like planets that have been found by the Keplar telescope which has been trawling the universe looking forever.
The Keplar telescope was propelled in March 2009 at an expense of £411 million thus far it has succeeded in finding 1000 outsider universes to date, in spite of the fact that it's suspected that exclusive 100 resemble our own particular planet, yet does one of these have confirmation of life?
Presently for reasons unknown, it could be because of the Hollywood film industry, or perhaps TV with Star Trek and Captain Kirk, yet the lives on different planets are envisioned as meager green men from Mars, or possibly an ET twin. All is because of be uncovered by NASA who is to hold a TV meeting on May tenth so far we are told by top NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan, "life is out there and we are going to have solid signs of life past Earth inside 10 years." Now that announcement does yet a slight damper on the trusts of our outsider seekers, however they are not that effectively put off and are sticking their trusts on the news gathering.

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Pr*stitution in Nepal

Within decades, pr*stitution in Nepal has been emerged in great ratio.Though Nepal government is trying to make it under control but due to some irresponsive behavior and inadequate knowledge about s#xual disease, trend of pr#stitution is increasing day by day.
These days,it said s#x workers are hired by hotel itself for extra services to the customers and besides that,Nepal Police are blindfolded and business of skin is on its way which can't never come to an end in Nepal.

Kajal Khanal's private clip leaked

Model "Kajal Khanal" has been in controversy with many points. Sometimes with songs and sometimes with exposure,she has always been noticed by media person.
Some of her pics are viral in social media and maximum number of song in which she portrays her character are too somehow double meaning

Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif Scandal 

Katrina Kaif MMS Scandal - Lose on the heels of sister Isabel's s*x tape controversy came the Katrina Kaif S*x Scandal. Both videos actually feature lookalikes of the Katrina and Isabel but that has not stopped the authenticity of the clip being debated online

I dreamed of becoming an actor and a singer, but it never got real

already told that giving a n*de scene is not bad and even society shouldn’t say don’t do $*x, no one must do so and all. My daughter has a dream of becoming a p0*rn-star and I’m supporting her, later I wish even society and country will support this. We never thought that this would be such a big issue. If we knew that this was going to happen then we would have never uploaded that picture. Sunita cried and asked the society ‘Being a daughter can’t we go out?’ I never spoke about it with anybody but I felt u as my friend so I told you. I also wished to study but I was never given that chance. Are daughters only meant to be sent away? Don’t they have the opportunity to go out? I know many peoples are talking about me and acc^using me but I didn’t got my support from my mother so I didn’t got the chance, but why everyone is accusing me even though when I’m supporting my daughter.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): English is the national dialect of USA. Prior it use to be paper based exam however nowadays it's for the most part given on the web from assigned focuses everywhere throughout the world. These scores are utilized by numerous different nations. Albeit uncommon however some English talking countries might be exempted from TOEFL. b) Specialization particular exam ( Ex: GRE/GMAT/SAT) : Depending on which particular branch or level (Graduation/Under-Grad and so on) of training, there is a test for that certain field. Tests focuses are everywhere throughout the world and for the most part PC based. An administration level candidate will give GMAT, Engineering understudy will give GRE and so forth. Contingent upon these scores there will be a sliced off for every organization to which you can apply. Not all foundations can permit outside understudies; they ought to have authorization from USCIS (United States Citizenship and migration Services) to do as such.

At least four people died and a dozen others were injured in a bomb explosion at the Ramanand Chowk in Janakpur area in Lalitpur District. Police said the bomb believed to be an IED went off while activists associated with Mithila Struggle Committee were organising a sit-in protest demanding the creation of Autonomous Mithila State at Ramanand Chowk. Local news reported that underground outfit JTMM has owned up responsibility for the blast.

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